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Wilayah PTA Arizona

Arizona PTA dipecah menjadi delapan wilayah:  


Wilayah Utara meliputi kabupaten Yavapai, Coconino, Navajo dan Apache.

Wilayah North Central Maricopa (NCM) membentang antara 59th dan Central Ave dan dari Indian School Rd ke garis Maricopa Utara.

Maricopa/Gila Timur Laut (NEM/G) membentang antara Central Ave dan garis Maricopa Timur dan dari Curry Rd ke perbatasan Gila County.

Wilayah North West Maricopa (NWM) terbentang dari garis county Maricopa Barat hingga 59th Ave dan dari Indian School Rd hingga garis county Maricopa Utara.

Wilayah selatan meliputi kabupaten Pima, Santa Cruz dan Cochise.

Wilayah South East Maricopa/Pinal (SEM/P) membentang dari Central Avenue ke jalur county Pinal dan dari Curry Rd ke jalur county Pinal.

Wilayah South West Maricopa (SWM) membentang dari Central Avenue ke jalur Maricopa Barat dan dari jalan Indian School ke jalur Maricopa Selatan

Wilayah Barat meliputi kabupaten Mohave, La Paz dan Yuma.

Dewan Arizona Utara  melayani unit PTA AZ Utara kami


Abia Judd PTA - Abia Judd Elementary, Prescott

BMHS Bear Band PTA - Sekolah Menengah Gunung Bradshaw, Lembah Prescott

BMMS PTSA - Sekolah Menengah Gunung Bradshaw, Dewey

Franklin PTA - Sekolah Fonetik Franklin, Lembah Prescott

Sekolah Grand Canyon PTA - Sekolah Grand Canyon, Desa Grand Canyon

Humboldt Elementary PTA - Sekolah Dasar Humboldt, Humboldt

Lake Valley PTA - Sekolah Dasar Lake Valley, Prescott Valley

Lincoln PTA - Sekolah Dasar Lincoln, Prescott  

Mountain View Prep PTA - Persiapan Pemandangan Gunung, Cottonwood, AZ

Mountain View PTA - Sekolah Dasar Mountain View, Prescott Valley, AZ

P rescott High School PTSA - SMA Prescott, Prescott

Prescott Mile High Middle PTSA - Sekolah Menengah Atas Prescott Mile, Prescott

Taylor Hicks PTA - Sekolah Dasar Taylor Hicks, Prescott

WEMS PTSA - Sekolah Menengah Dasar Williams, Williams

PTA Sedona Barat - Sekolah Sedona Barat, Sedona

Maricopa Tengah Utara  Wilayah

Acacia PTA (Burung Hantu) – Sekolah Dasar Acacia, Phoenix, AZ
Lagu Kebangsaan PTSA – Sekolah Lagu Kebangsaan, Lagu Kebangsaan, AZ
Arroyo PTA – Sekolah Dasar Arroyo, Glendale, AZ
Bellair PTA – Sekolah Dasar Bellair, Glendale, AZ
Canyon Springs PTSA – Akademi STEM Canyon Springs, Phoenix, AZ
PTA Dasar Chaparral – Sekolah Dasar Chaparral, Phoenix, AZ
Colts PTSA - Sekolah Menengah Deer Valley, Phoenix, AZ
Desert Palms PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Desert Palms, Phoenix, AZ
Diamond Canyon PTA – Sekolah Dasar Diamond Canyon, Lagu Kebangsaan, AZ
Heritage PTA – Sekolah Dasar Heritage, Glendale, AZ
Sekolah Menengah Hillcrest PTSA – Sekolah Menengah Hillcrest, Phoenix, AZ
Horizon PTA – Sekolah Dasar Horizon, Glendale, AZ
Lakeview PTA – Sekolah Dasar Lakeview, Phoenix, AZ
Las Brisas PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Las Brisas, Glendale, AZ
Sekolah Maryland PTA – Sekolah Maryland, Phoenix, AZ
Mirage PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Mirage, Glendale, AZ
PTSA Gunung Bulan – Sekolah Dasar Gunung Bulan, Phoenix, AZ
Mountain Shadows PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Mountain Shadows, Glendale, AZ
PTA Sungai Baru – Sekolah Dasar Sungai Baru, Sungai Baru, AZ
Norterra Canyon PTSA – Sekolah Norterra Canyon, Phoenix, AZ
Orangewood PTA – Sekolah Dasar Orangewood, Phoenix, AZ
Park Meadows PTA – Sekolah Dasar Park Meadows, Glendale, Arizona
Paseo Hills PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Paseo Hills, Phoenix, AZ
Sahuaro PTA – Sekolah Dasar Sahuaro, Phoenix, AZ
Sonoran Foothills PTA – Sonoran Foothills School, Phoenix, AZ
Stetson Hills PTSA – Sekolah Stetson Hills, Phoenix, AZ
Sunset Ridge PTA – Sekolah Sunset Ridge, Phoenix, AZ
Asosiasi Komunitas Tumbleweed PTA – Sekolah Dasar Tumbleweed, Phoenix, AZ


Timur Laut  Wilayah Maricopa/ Gila

Akademi Seni PTA – Akademi Seni di Scottsdale School, Scottsdale, AZ
AZACS PTA - Sekolah Piagam Autisme Arizona K-4, Phoenix, AZ
AZACS Wolfpack PTA - Sekolah Piagam Autisme Arizona 5-8, Phoenix, AZ
Bella Vista School PTA – Persiapan Perguruan Tinggi Bella Vista, Scottsdale, AZ
Cactus View PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Cactus View, Phoenix, AZ
Desert Shadows Elementary PTA – Sekolah Dasar Desert Shadows, Scottsdale, AZ
PTA Persiapan Mata Air Gurun – Persiapan Mata Air Gurun, Scottsdale, AZ
Eagle Ridge PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Eagle Ridge, Phoenix, AZ
Hidden Hills PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Hidden Hills, Phoenix, AZ
Hirsch Academy PTA – Akademi Hirsch, Scottsdale, AZ
Hohokam PTA – Sekolah Dasar Yavapai, Scottsdale, AZ
Hopi PTA – Sekolah Dasar Hopi, Phoenix, AZ
Larkspur PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Larkspur, Phoenix, AZ
PTA Peternakan Utara – Sekolah Dasar Peternakan Utara, Scottsdale, AZ
Puyuh Run PTA – Sekolah Dasar Puyuh Run, Phoenix, AZ
Shaw Montessori PTA – Sekolah Shaw Montessori, Phoenix, AZ
PTSA Tengah Vista Verde – Sekolah Menengah Vista Verde, Phoenix, AZ


Barat laut  Wilayah Maricopa

Asante PTA – Akademi Persiapan Asante, Kejutan, AZ
Ashton Ranch PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Ashton Ranch, Kejutan, AZ
Hari Aurora PTA
Canyon Ridge PTA – Sekolah Canyon Ridge, Kejutan, AZ
Sekolah Menengah Penantang PTSA – Sekolah Menengah Penantang, Glendale, AZ
Cimarron Springs PTA – Sekolah Dasar Cimarron Springs, Kejutan, AZ
Copper Creek PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Copper Creek, Glendale, AZ
PTSA Pedesaan – Sekolah Dasar Pedesaan, Kejutan, AZ
Desert Oasis PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Desert Oasis, Kejutan, AZ
PTSA Lembah Gurun – Sekolah Dasar Lembah Gurun, Glendale, AZ
Discovery PTSA – Discovery Elementary School, Glendale, AZ
Sekolah Inovasi Edison PTA – Sekolah Inovasi Edison, Glendale, AZ
Festival Foothills PTA – Sekolah Dasar Festival Foothills, Buckeye, AZ
Freedom PTA – Akademi Tradisional Kebebasan, Kejutan, AZ
PTA Dasar Greenbrier – Sekolah Dasar Greenbrier, Glendale, AZ
Kingswood PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Kingswood, Kejutan, AZ
Lake Pleasant PTA – Sekolah Dasar Lake Pleasant, Peoria, AZ
Legend Springs PTA – Sekolah Dasar Legend Springs, Glendale, Arizona
Marley Park PTA – Sekolah Dasar Marley Park, Kejutan, AZ
Morristown PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Morristown, Morristown, AZ
Mountain View School PTA – Sekolah Mountain View, Waddell, AZ
Nadaburg PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Nadaburg, Wittmann, AZ
Peoria Pirates PTA – Sekolah Dasar Peoria, Peoria, AZ
RVS PTA - Sekolah Dasar Riverview, El Mirage, AZ
Santa Fe PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Santa Fe, Peoria, AZ
Sonoran Heights PTA – Sekolah Dasar Sonoran Heights, Kejutan, AZ
Kejutan PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Kejutan, Kejutan, AZ
Tim Luke PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Luke, Glendale, AZ
Terramar PTSA – Akademi Seni Terramar, Peoria, AZ
Thompson Ranch PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Thompson Ranch, El Mirage, AZ
West Point PTSA – Sekolah Dasar West Point, Kejutan, AZ
PTSA Sayap Barat – Sekolah Sayap Barat, Peoria, AZ
Western Peaks PTSA – Sekolah Dasar Western Peaks, Kejutan, AZ
Wickenburg PTA – Sekolah Dasar Hassayampa, Wickenburg, AZ
Willow Canyon High School PTSA - Sekolah Menengah Willow Canyon, Kejutan, AZ


Southern Region

Acacia PTSA (Vail) – Acacia Elementary School PTSA, Vail, AZ

Alice Vail Falcons Parent Teacher Student Association – Alice Vail Middle School, Tucson, AZ

Bisbee Unified School District PTA – Bisbee Unified School District, Bisbee, AZ

Borton PTA – Bortan Magnet School, Tucson, AZ

Civano Parent Association – Civano Community School, Tucson, AZ

Collier Elementary School PTA (Tucson) – Collier Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Copper Ridge PTA – Copper Ridge Elementary PTA, Vail, AZ

Corona Foothills PTSA - Corona Foothills Middle School, Vail, AZ

Cottonwood Elementary PTSA – Cottonwood Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Davis PTA (DAVIS BILINGUAL PTSA) – Davis Bilingual Elementary Magnet School, Tucson, AZ

Desert Willow Elementary PTA – Desert Willow Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Drachman PTA – Drachman Montessori, Tucson, AZ

Ford PTA (Inez Ford PTA) – Ford Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Fruchthendler PTA – Fruchthendler Elementary, Tucson, AZ

Gallego Intermediate PTA – Gallegos Intermediate Fine Arts School, Tucson, AZ

Gallego PTA (Primary) – Gallego Primary Fine Arts Magnet, Tucson, AZ

Gridley Middle PTSA – Gridley Middle School, Tucson, AZ

Henry PTA (Anna Henry School) – Anna Henry Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Lynn-Urquides PTA – Lynn Urquides Elementary School, Tucons, AZ

Magee Middle School PTA – Magee Middle School, Tucson, AZ

Mary Meredith K12 PTSA – Mary Meredith K-12 School, Tucson, AZ

Mesquite Elem School PTA – Mesquite Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Miles ELC PTA – Miles Exploratory Learning Center, Tucson, AZ 

Mission View PTA – Mission View, Tucson, AZ

Ochoa PTA – Ochoa Community School, Tucson, AZ

Ocotillo Ridge PTA – Ocotillo Ridge Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Old Vail Middle School PTSA – Old Vail Middle School, Vail, AZ

Oyama PTA – Oyama Elementary, Tucson, AZ

Rincon High School PTA – Rincon High School, Tucson, AZ

Sabino High PTSA  – Sabino High School, Tucson, AZ

Sam Hughes Elementary School PTA – Sam Hughes Elementary, Tucson, AZ

Senita Valley PTSA – Senita Valley Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Soleng Tom PTA – Soleng Tom Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Sycamore Elementary PTA – Sycamore Elementary School, Vail, AZ

Vesey Wildcats PTA – Vesey Elementary, Tucson, AZ

Whitmore PTA – Whitmore Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Wildcats PTSA (CE Rose) – C. E. Rose K-8, Tucson, AZ

Winnie Wheeler PTA – Winnie Wheeler Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Roskruge Magnet School PTSA – Roskruge Bilingial Magnet School K-8, Tucson, AZ

Southeast Maricopa/Pinal (SEM/P) Region

Anthem Eagles PTA K-8 (Florence) – Anthem K-8, Florence, AZ

Bright Beginnings PTSA – Bright Beginnings School, Chandler, AZ

Broadmor PTA – Broadmor Elementary School, Tempe, AZ

Canyon Rim PTA – Canyon Rim Elementary School, Mesa, AZ

Falcon Hill Elementary PTA – Falcon Hill Elementary School, Mesa, AZ

Fees MS PTSA (Fees College Prep MS PTSA) – Fees College Preparatory Middle School, Tempe, AZ

Fuller Elementary PTA – Fuller Elementary School, Tempe, AZ

Hudson PTA (Spracale PTA) – Joseph P. Spracale Elementary, Tempe, AZ

Huskies PTA (Holdeman ES) – Holdeman Elementary School, Tempe, AZ

Islands PTA – Islands Elementary School, Gilbert, AZ

Kyrene De La Paloma PTA – Kyrene de la Paloma Elementary School, Chandler, AZ

Kyrene De Los Niños PTA – Kyrene de los Niños Elementary School, Tempe, AZ

Magma Mustangs PTSA – Magma Ranch K8 School, Florence, AZ 

Nevitt PTSA – Nevitt Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ

Rover PTA – Rover Elementary School, Tempe, AZ

Skyline Ranch K-8 PTA – Skyline Ranch K-8 School, Queen Creek, AZ

Thew Bulldogs PTA/ Tempe Elem. Dist. – Thew Elementary School, Tempe, AZ

Ward Traditional Academy PTA – Ward Traditional Academy, Tempe, AZ

Southwest Maricopa (SWM) Region

Amberlea PTA – Amberlea Academy, Phoenix, AZ

Barbara B. Robey PTSA – Barbara B Robey Elementary School, Litchfield Park, AZ

Buckeye Elementary School PTA –  Buckeye Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Bulldogs PTA (Bales Elementary School) – Buckeye, AZ

Collier Coyote PTSA (Avondale) – Collier Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Copper King PTA – Copper King Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ

Copper Trails PTSA – Copper Trails Elementary School, Goodyear, AZ

Corte Sierra PTSA – Corte Sierra Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Country Place PTA – Country Place Elementary School, Tolleson, AZ 

Desert Horizon PTA – Desert Horizon Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ 

Desert Meadows PTA – Desert Meadows School, Laveen Village, AZ

Desert Mirage PTA – Desert Mirage Elementary School, Glendale, AZ 

Dreaming Summit – Dreaming Summit Elementary School, Litchfield Park, AZ

EFGA Scorpions PTA - Estrella Foothills Global Academy, Laveen, AZ

Estrella Vista PTSA – Estrella Vista Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Fine Arts Academy PTSA – Fine Arts Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Firebird PTA Littleton  (Littleton Elementary) – Littleton Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Garden Lakes PTA – Garden Lakes Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Heritage Heroes PTSA (Verrado) – Verrado Heritage Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Jasinski PTSA – Steven R. Jasinski Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Litchfield PTA – Litchfield Elementary School, Litchfield Park, AZ

Panthers PTA  – Inca Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Rancho Santa Fe PTA – Rancho Santa Fe Elementary School, Avondale, AZ 

Scott Libby PTA – Scott L. Libby Elementary School, Litchfield Park, AZ

Sharks PTA (Quentin Elementary) – Quentin Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Sonoran Sky Comets PTA – Sonoran Sky, Glendale, AZ 

Trailside Point PTA – Trailside Point Performing Arts Academy, Laveen Village, AZ

Verrado Elementary SuperSTAR PTA – Verrado Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

West Park PTA – WestPark Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Western Sky Middle School PTA – Western Sky Middle School, Goodyear, AZ

Westwind Wildcat PTA – Westwind Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ

Wildflower Accelerated Academy PTSA - Wildflower Accelerated Academy, Goodyear, AZ 

Mavericks PTA – John S. McCain III Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Rio Vista Mustang PTA (aka Mustang PTA) – Rio Vista Elementary School, Avondale, AZ

Soto Storm PTA – Belen Soto Elementary School, Goodyear, AZ

Sundance Mustangs PTA – Sundance Elementary School, Buckeye, AZ

Tigers PTA (Marionneaux Elementary School MES) – Buckeye, AZ

Tres Rios Elementary PTSA – Tres Rios Elementary School, Tolleson, AZ

VDP Dust Devil PTSA – Villa de Paz Elementary School, Phoenix, AZ

Western Region

Colorado City PTSA  Colorado City Unified Schools, Colorado City, AZ

Ron Watson Middle School PTA – Ron Watson Middle School, Yuma, AZ

Starline PTA – Starline Elementary School, Lake Havasu City, AZ

Sunrise PTA (Bullhead City) – Sunrise Elementary School, Bullhead City, AZ

LEBIH BANYAK Wilayah segera hadir!

PTA Arizona

Arizona PTA adalah Kongres Negara Bagian dari PTA Nasional yang bekerja sama dengan kelompok pendidikan, kesehatan, keselamatan, dan advokasi anak nasional dan lokal.   


Misi: Mewujudkan potensi setiap anak dengan melibatkan  dan memberdayakan keluarga dan masyarakat untuk mengadvokasi anak.


" setiap anak. satu suara."

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(602) 279-1811

2721 N. 7th Ave

Phoenix, AZ 85007

*kantor hanya dengan janji temu*

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