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Local Unit Elections

Procedures for 2020-2021 School Year Officers

Arizona PTA is allowing local PTA/PTSAs to hold local unit elections within 30 days of the start of the 2020-2021 school year online with Arizona PTA if the following procedures are followed.  Please read and follow along below to hold your elections. 


Arizona PTA does NOT permit units to hold their own online elections at this time. Due to Covid-19 restrictions units will have to use Arizona PTA as proctor in order to elect new officers for the 2020-2021 school year.

Within 30 days of school starting (remotely or in person) your unit will need to fill out the form linked below and hold your elections online with Arizona PTA.  Officers whose terms ended on June 30, 2020 MAY NOT stay in office past 30 days of the start of school for 2020-2021.  


Please note in order to hold an online election you must have a valid email address or way to reach all of your members online!  This may mean contacting them via school packets sent home or calling members to ask for a way to send them the online link to the election. 

Step 1: 


Get new MEMBERS!  Connect with past members, staff, parents and community members and take memberships for 2020-2021.  Make sure to gather necessary information reach your members for this election.  



Step 2: 


Notify members of open positions on your board for the 2020-2021 school year. Let members know what positions are open and what each entails. 


Take nominations for each open position. Make sure nominees both meet the criteria set forth by your PTA/PTSA and are members of your unit before the start of your election.  



Step 3:


Once you have nominees for your positions or if your nomination deadline has passed and you are ready to hold an election please visit the form below and Arizona PTA will set up your elections for you online!


You will need the title and term of each position up for election. If you do not have a candidate for a position please make sure to still include the position on the form.  This information should look like this: President, one year term, 2020-2021; first Vice President, two year term, 2020-2022; etc.  Your titles and terms are outlined in your local unit Standing Rules.


Please have the name(s) of each candidate for each office available when submitting this form. You will need to list anyone who has indicated an acceptance to run for this office. Please make sure the candidate has accepted the nomination before filling out this form!  Please verify that the candidate is a member of your unit before the election. There will be a spot in each office listed for a write in candidate as allowed in parliamentary procedure so please include any offices with no nominees if they are up for election in case someone decides to run at the last minute!



You will need the name and email address of both the current President of your unit and the person in charge of membership (or another officer of your unit). You will need TWO individual emails - please do not use one PTA generic email for both spots. The President and membership person will be contacted once your ballot is ready to be sent to members.  


Please make sure to email your membership roster to Sarah Davis at BEFORE the start of your election.  Units who do not submit a membership list will have ballots on hold until one is received.  


Lastly you will choose when your election will open and close. Ideally you should have an online meeting for your general membership soon, announce the positions and process of AZ PTA proctoring the elections and take nominations from the floor for all open positions. Then verify those nominated are members and accept the nomination.  From there you can submit the form below and choose a date for your election. Dates are on a weekly basis with elections opening each Sunday and ending the following Saturday. Lists of who voted in your election will be emailed Sunday/Monday following your election and votes will be tallied once membership is confirmed for participants. Please allow for 3-5 days from the date you fill out the form to the start of your election to give AZ PTA time to create your ballot!  



Ready to go?  Click the link below and submit your info to start your election!  


Need help or have questions? Contact Arizona PTA Bylaws Chair, Sarah Davis at


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